E-book – A way to detox


The e-book is designed for people who want to get rid of water from their bodies (swelling) in a simple and quick way, feel food stuck in their intestines (stasis) or/and their metabolism has slowed down for a while.

A rational detox will increase your energy level and will be the first step to properly manage your body weight!


Inside the e-book there are 4 detox suggestions waiting for you:

  • Rice day
  • A day of vegetable soups
  • A day on vegetable broth
  • A day on juices

This e-book is for you if:

  • You struggle with constant swelling/water retention,
  • You feel like your intestines are lazy,
  • You feel like you have a constant belly “like a balloon”,
  • Are you struggling with lymphedema?
  • Recently you have eaten too much, too fatty, too unbalanced,
  • Do you want to learn how to manage your body weight?
  • You have a big party waiting for you the next day and you want to wear your favorite dress!
  • You have dysregulated insulin-glucagon metabolism,
  • Are you feeling premenstrual tension or struggling with irregular menstrual cycles?

If you answer yes to one of the points, then this e-book is just for YOU! D E T O K S does not have to mean fasting on water all day! Even on such a day, it is worth providing your body with macro – and microelements!