
Gastritis is the result of: disorders of hydrochloric acid secretion – its deficiency or excess, disorders of the gastro-cerebral axis, weakening of the adrenal glands, Helicobacter pylori infection or chronic retention of undigested food in the stomach.

Therapeutic treatment based on precise diagnostics and diet

The basis of therapeutic therapy in our clinic is the development of a proper diet based on the BET-A and food detective tests. The therapy is to support the reconstruction of the gastric mucosa, the proper secretion of digestive enzymes, the exclusion of products and combinations of products that intensify symptoms. The diet is always designed in relation to the dynamics of digestion.

In accustomed inflammatory states lasting more than a year, we use Ondamed diagnostics and therapy.

Gastritis - diagnosis and diet to combat inflammation

Gastritis is a disorder that requires professional support. Proper diagnostics and a personalized diet are key to restoring comfort and natural intestinal balance while calming inflammation.

See also the BET-A + Food Detective test, which will help in proper diagnostics of your problem.

Symptoms that should worry you

The most common symptoms that should worry you:

– Pain in the lower abdomen (burning, stabbing or sharp pain),
– Bleeding from the digestive tract,
– Feeling of fullness after a meal,
– Nausea after a meal,
– Anemia (chronic) in laboratory tests,
– Positive test result detecting H. pylori antigens in stool,
– Weakness of the body.


Questions and Answers

Haven’t found an answer? We’ll be happy to answer any other questions you may have.

Do you have experience in the treatment of erosive gastritis?

Yes, in all types of gastric inflammation, i.e. chronic, acute, with accompanying metaplasia.