Immunity-boosting diet

Properly balanced meals, proper hydration and conscious selection of nutrients are key to supporting the immune system. Find out what dietary rules are worth implementing to take care of your health and improve your immunity!

Diet to improve immunity

The most important element is proper hydration of the body, which, depending on the patient’s body weight, is on average 1.5-3 liters per day (30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight).

The diet should be composed so that undigested food residues do not accumulate in the intestines, because this can disrupt the immune system. A large number of pathological microorganisms multiply on undigested food residues, which intensifies putrefactive and fermentation processes.

Important tips, Clinical Dietitian Wrocław suggests the most important principles of healthy eating:

– number of meals per day from 3 to 5 depending on demand;
– first breakfast (until 10:00) – should be warm and easily digestible, e.g. oatmeal, rye bread with a warm egg, millet with goji berries;
– second breakfast is necessary (until 13:00) – we can eat: vegetable salads, warm soups, a nutritious sandwich made of wholemeal bread;
– lunch (after 3:00 p.m.):

  • one or two courses,
  • soup can be a dinner appetizer,
  • once a week warm vegetables with a small amount of carbohydrates (groats, rice, potatoes)
  • meat (also fish) max 3x a week with similar additions
  • 3x a week vegetarian dish (groats, rice, whole grain pasta with vegetables)

– easily digestible dinner without protein (until 8:00 p.m.) – soups, warm vegetables, groats or rice with warm vegetables.

Food rotation is very important. Meals are changed every 2 days. It is also important to prepare dishes for a maximum of 2 days to maintain their freshness and properties.

Additionally, supplementation is important: omega acids, vitamin C, vitamin D and magnesium.

Kamila Młoczek

mgr inż. żywienia człowieka i dietetyki oraz psychodietetyk.