BETA test

BET-A is a biophysical and chemical test. It shows body disorders and weakened metabolism.

What is the BET-A test?

Badanie BET-A to badanie biofizyczno – chemiczne pokazujące zespół reakcji chemicznych w organizmie przetwarzających pokarm na energię, substancje budulcowe i toksyczne odpady.

Badanie BET- A służy do określenia kondycji metabolicznej i jest podstawą do ułożenia diety szytej na miarę (wraz z wywiadem medycznym i dietetycznym) i dobranej według potrzeb suplementacji.

Jeśli zastanawiasz się jak przygotować się do badania BETA, to wszelkie niezbędne informacje znajdziesz tutaj.

How is the first visit with the BET-A test?

Are you wondering what a visit to our clinic looks like? The file below will help you understand the individual stages. Each step is treated individually according to the patient’s needs. The visit takes place within 2 hours of submitting a blood sample for analysis.

All necessary information on how to prepare for the BETA test can be found here.

What do you get after a BET-A test visit?

– Dokładny schemat żywieniowy rozpisany w skali tygodnia z bilansem białek, tłuszczów, węglowodanów, z uwzględnieniem indywidualnej dynamiki trawienia
– Zalecany bilans płynów
– Dobraną indywidualnie suplementację adekwatną do wyników badań i stanu zdrowia
– Listę produktów wykluczonych z diety
– Możliwość wypisania leków na receptę, jeśli jest taka potrzeba


Questions and Answers

Haven’t found an answer? We’ll be happy to answer any other questions you may have.

How to prepare for the BETA test?

All necessary information on how to prepare for the BETA test can be found here.

Is this diet for the rest of your life?

No, it is used to normalize body weight. After the process is completed (3 months), we often introduce products that were previously excluded. The final style of nutrition should be as easy as possible for the patient, but at the same time support the achieved effect. We select diets so that they are tailored to the patient and realistic to maintain.

Will I receive a diet after my visit?

After the visit, you receive a precisely designed nutrition plan that includes what and at what times to eat and in what proportions. Additionally, products excluded for a given stage of the diet are marked, and fluid balance and supplementation are also taken into account.

Are we on the keto diet?

Yes, we know how to design ketogenic diets and we can tailor them precisely to the patient, if it is health-related.

Can I come for a visit if I am pregnant?

Yes, of course. It is advisable.

From what age can you come for a BETA test?

We perform the BETA test on children from 3 years of age.

Will my medications be taken into account?

Yes, we take into account drug-food interactions in the recommended diets.

If I had a BETA test done a year or a few years ago, do I need to repeat it or is a consultation enough?

After one year, if numerous deviations from the norm were found in the first examination, the examination should be repeated.

If I have a cold, can I come for the examination?

Contraindications to the test include taking antibiotics, gastroenteritis, low-grade fever, and viral infection. Contraindications include a runny nose and cough.